Product Description
- The MD99-601 and MD99-602 coils each last for several hundred uses or more subject to use
- The MD99-603 coil will last for approximately one hundred uses
- Use of the proper size coil, avoiding abrasion and overheating prevents premature wear to the coil
- All coils are coated to eliminate oxidation and guarantee contact
- The coil insulation is coated to resist abrasion however, if insulation is breached, a new coil will need to be used
- The coils are all flexible and can be bent or separated for a variety of applications
- One 7/8″ pre-formed coil (MD99-601: 5″L x 1.25″W)
- One 23″ U-form coil (MD99-602)
- One 41″ Bearing Buddy coil (MD99-603)
- One poly-bag (4.7 oz.)
Includes: 1 each MD99-601 7/8" preformed coil, MD99-602 U-form coil, MD99-603 Bearing Buddy coil Poly-bagged